Make Teaching more effective & exciting

  • Multiple Intelligences – Using MI to make classes more interactive & interesting
  • Learning Styles – Understanding Learning styles and how we can maximize learning using this understanding
  • Thinking Skills – What are they and how we can use them inculcate them through our classroom
  • Active Learning – Methodologies to make teaching more interactive, involving & more meaningful
  • Cooperative Learning – How to get the get best out of peer-to-peer interactions and to multiply learning using groups
  • Organizing Learning -What to use where – to enable effective understanding and recall.
  • If they’re laughing-they’re learning – Effective strategies towards Using humor in classroom
  • Understanding and working with Higher order thinking skills
  • Developing and using Creativity in learning
  • Using Art, color, clay & sand for effective learning
  • Using Theater for effective Learning
  • Using Music for learning
  • Language Development in Early Childhood / Middle School
  • Making Mathematics more meaningful
  • Brain based learning & Study Skills
  • Using Story telling / doing in learning
  • Understanding Activity Design
  • Using Experiential and Integrated design

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