Our mission is to make education affordable to everyone


EDVISHAN was founded by two dynamic individuals, Dr. Shanoli Ray and Dr. Vikrant Singhalwho are committed to making a positive impact on society and the world through their work. 

Dr. Shanoli Ray, a renowned Edu-Leader, author, keynote speaker, and master trainer, is the WICCI National President (ESG Council) and National Advisor for PHILIP KOTLER Inc. (India). Her contributions to the education sector have been invaluable and have helped shape the future of education in India. 

Dr. Vikrant Singhal, an MBA in Finance from London, is a corporate trainer, keynote speaker, and global education consultant. With his vast experience working with top-notch companies like Amazon (UK) and Barclays (UK), he has made a significant impact on the global education landscape.

Together, Dr. Shanoli Ray and Dr. Vikrant Singhal have created EDVISHAN, a global platform that is accessible to all people. Their vision is to bridge the skills gap between education and practical application, by providing proper skills training to students and professionals alike. They believe that everyone deserves equal opportunities for growth and development, and that is why they have created EDVISHAN – to make education accessible to all, regardless of their socio-economic background or geographical location. Their contribution to society and the world is immeasurable and their work has already impacted the lives of countless individuals.


Dr. Shanoli Ray and Dr. Vikrant Singhal, the founders of EDVISHAN, had a common goal – to bridge the gap between education and practical application. With their diverse backgrounds and extensive experience in the field of education, they noticed a glaring problem – a significant skills gap in the workforce after formal education.

Driven by a passion to make a difference, they set out on a mission to connect with students and professionals to fulfill the gap. Their journey started when they conducted extensive research and found out that despite receiving a formal education, many individuals struggle to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.

They discovered that this gap arises due to the lack of practical skills training in educational institutions. While academic education provides a theoretical understanding of a subject, practical application of that knowledge is equally important. This is where EDVISHAN steps in to provide the necessary skills training to individuals who want to enhance their employability and make a meaningful impact in their respective fields.

Dr. Ray’s expertise as an Edu-Leader, Author, Keynote Speaker, and Master Trainer, combined with Dr. Singhal’s experience as a Corporate Trainer, Keynote Speaker, and Global Education Consultant, was a powerful combination that brought EDVISHAN to life.Their vision was not just limited to India, but it extended globally. Dr. Ray’s leadership role as the WICCI National President (ESG Council) and National Advisor at PHILIP KOTLER Inc. (India) played a crucial part in expanding EDVISHAN’s reach. On the other hand, Dr. Singhal’s experience at Amazon (UK) and Barclays (UK) allowed him to bring a global perspective to the platform.

With the launch of EDVISHAN, the founders created a unique platform that ignites people to reach for the stars. Their contribution to society has been immense, empowering countless individuals to unleash their potential and achieve their dreams. Their vision for a better future through education continues to inspire and drive EDVISHAN’s mission forward.

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